What Is Energy Vortex Photography, Let Alone An Energy Vortex?

You may have heard the term "energy vortex" before. You may have not. Either way I'll do my best to explain what it means to me and why its important in my life and photography. An energy vortex is an energy hotspot on earth such as Sedona, Mt Shasta, Great Salt Lake, Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Nazca, Bahamas, Giza, Tulum, and Hawaii, just to name a few. Our Earth has an Electromagnetic Field due to our North and South poles. This creates our atmosphere and is why we see shooting stars (burning out meteors) that would decimate the earth if we didn't have a natural force field flying with earth through space at roughly 1,000 miles an hour. Now, you may have heard an Latitude and Longitude lines. Our interstate highways are based off of them. that's where the Interstate number comes from (now you know). These Latitude and Longitude lines curve with earth and form a complex grid of intersecting lines. At convergence points of the lines we find Energy Vortex's. Almost always at these convergence points of lines we find natural phenomena that take our breath away like only Nature can. For instance, the Great Salt Lake produces 70% of North America's salt, one of the most valuable resources in the world. I like to think of Energy vortex's as a homeostasis maintenance system for the earth that keeps the flux and the flow of everything happening in balance.

When we venture into Energy Vortex's the veil gets lifted a bit between the earthly and spiritual realms. I've been on quite a journey and have received permission from mother nature to capture her beauty and share her message of healing, peace and unity through the beauty of art that only our beautiful planet can provide. We get one earth and if my part in helping to educate the masses of these energy vortex's so that more people can tap into this consciousness that we are all one and connected, not only as a human race, but also to earth and the stars is through art, then I am beyond blessed and happy to do so. Even though I have a lot of experience with studying energy vortex's, I am still a student and have so much to learn. I'm sure I will be studying for the rest of my life. What's cool about studying the worlds planetary grid system is that the spirituality aspect of it is backed up by science and Sacred Geometry. The Flower of life symbol is literally wrapped around the world and dictates where these energy hot spots will occur. The same flower of life design that we see when we cut a strand of DNA and view it from a birds eye perspective. Amazing stuff isn't it.

Click this link to go even more in depth with the planetary grid system and energy vortex's by visiting the website VortexMaps.com. Experts that have been studying it far longer than I have put a lot of the leg work in for us. At the page this link will take you to you will be able to download a free version of google earth that has all of the lines already put in place for you so you can begin to do your own research and come to your own resolutions of the truth of the things I have stated here. Also, I could be completely off my rocker crazy, regardless if this is true or not (probably true haha) I believe the art that comes from performing photoshoots in these locations speaks for themselves. Only one way to find out.